Version: 1.69.10b
- Fixed bug "undefinedg" messing up make a demo, thankx ostwilkens!
- Fixed bug load synth from file setting audio responsive on
- Switched "out vec4 x" to "out vec4 X" to make it clash less + added new rule about not using "X", thankx totetMatt!
Version: 1.69.09b
- Removed pesky "save synth" button and simplified UX for saving synth
- Fixed bug load synth from file, thankx ne7!
- Fixed bug remove channel undo when on last channel, thankx ne7!
- Changed "Load / save synth & sequencer" from file to "Export / import track" + added note, thankx ne7!
- Added saving shortcuts to synth shortcuts to avoid confusion
- Fixed browser out of focus keyboard note hit still showing
Version: 1.69.08b
- Fixed make a demo with audio responsive and multipass
- Crunching audio-responsive code for synth
Version: 1.69.07b
- Fixed bug right clicking past end of track when zoomed out
- Fixed reset synth bug and load from file bug
- Correctly rewinding and switching channel after load from file
- Improved noteID offset when pasting / moving / painting notes before playhead while not paused
Version: 1.69.06b
- Improved visibility / audio UI
- Fixed paint pattern limit end cropped one bar to much
- Improved zoom vertical alignment
Version: 1.69.05b
- Fixed bug length of track change not cropping end notes in some cases
- Fixed bug delete pattern from timeline
- Fixed bug preset selection keyboard octave
- Simplified and improved ux/ui menu for sequencer
- Added visibility and audio toggles per channel
- Flipped order of notes played on keyboard now going up, thankx DRM
Version: 1.69.04b
- Improved UX: single click on note to select it, and hold to move, thankx wrighter
- Improved UX: added tooltip on grey note hover to show which channel it's in, then roll over tooltip and click to go to said channel, thankx wrighter
- Fixed pattern div id saved as pid not id, to avoid polluting dom
- Inverted crosshair cursor from selecting to painting mode
Version: 1.69.03b
- Fixed sequencer pattern resizing limit bug
- Add tool status message to home page
Version: 1.69.02b
- Fixed different undo / redo bugs
- Fixed painting notes over pattern bug
- Fixed mac os AZERTY editor character bug, thankx totetMatt
- QWERTZ keyboard added to synth, thankx crundle
- Added PageUp / PageDown shortcut to change keyboard octave, thankx wrighter
- Keep splitting sequencer vertical line ui to show further beats and more, thankx wrighter
Version: 1.69.01b
- Flipped piano roll the right way around. Thankx hoffman, wrighter, DocRetroid, etc
- Removed octave pagination switch, made vertical zoom limit smaller and improved ui of note key
- Bug fix accesing shader with synth without log in
- Finally for sure got SSE working, christ sake
- ytdl-core youtube hack fix again
- youtube audio quality gone AWOL
Version: 1.69.00b
- HUGE release hard to log it all, essentially Posh Brolly is now a full blown demo tool
- New feature: MAKE A DEMO button!!! Compile shaders into demos
- New feature: HALF CENTAUR HALF SAUSAGE Micro synth and posh sequencer
- New feature: Proper bug / request feautre or feedback report
- Too many bug fixed to list, major one though was the find and replace in text edtior had gone AWOL
Version: 0.69.07b
- New feature: Replace sliders uniforms names in code editor by current slider values (thankx alien01 & deanthecoder)
- New feature: Hidden sliders, you can now hide sliders in sliders settings if you have too many (thankx deanthecoder)
- New UI choice: Choose your sliders float digits precision (ONLY APPLIES to replace slider uniform with value OR copy slider value)
- When selecting a colour with colour picker, now displays message "colour copied" to alert user that the colour is in clipboard ready to be pasted (thankx kali)
- Updated Ace editor to latest version
- Updated ytdl-core and fixed audio quality selection
- Fixed bug when removing audio track and compiling
- Fixed bug when removing audio then putting another audio track but changing amount of samples
Version: 0.69.06b
- New feature: midi controller module, in Geordie!
- When clicking signup, copy data across from login form, to signup form. Nifty UX shit.
- Fixed wee webGL crashed guy's design, now with dark background and resizes down well with canvas.
Version: 0.69.05b
- Tool is now faster! All uniforms now passed per vertex not per pixel (thankx llb).
Apart from textures, all uniforms are now passed to vertex shader instead of fragment, then fed to fragment via flat out variables. - New feature: timer to practice live coding such as shader showdown (thankx totetMatt)
- Fixed render canvas shifted onto right handside in bonzo mode when canvas and editor are flipped (thankx cosamentale)
- Better design for text editor's error log. Now also showing in bonzo mode (thankx again cosamentale)
- Redirect http to https, keeping it secured and logged (thankx lexbailey)
- New shader menu template: bonzomatic trainer with bonzo tunnel start code, textures and timer
- Fixed typo in "bag of crisps" (thankx totetMatt)
- Fixed scrolling in change log page (thankx totetMatt)
- Fixed bug on youtube audio download would get stuck (thankx totetMatt)
- Fixed FPS counter right position offset when going into bonzo mode if scrollbar is showing
Version: 0.69.04b
- Added published date, which gets timestamped first time you publish your shader
- Latest shaders now ordered by published date & user shaders ordered by created date
- Swapped sliders undo / redo to now be ALT + SHIFT + Z / Y
- Stop ctrl + zoom in on chrome for european keyboards
- Added drawscene on resize if paused & amount of passes is less than 2
- When updating sliders end or start, do update uniform as well so it updates shader too
- Add stop zoomin and stop zoom out to homepage and user page
Version: 0.69.03b
- Fixed bug on compile if some pass had error other pass would still update and draw.
Now we only update draw when all passes have compiled correctly (thankx wrighter) - Fixed bug on compile when paused, time would reset, now it does not (thankx deanthecoder)
- Fixed remove P2 bug when only P1 is left and P1 is sampling itself (thankx alien)
- Fixed shortcuts on macOS (thankx deanTheCoder)
- Fixed save as bug
- Fixed "check sliders in use" by filtering out slider uniforms whicha are on a line which is commented. Clever regexp shit!
- Better UX: do not jump to error line if error is on same line as current line, this way the cursor stays in same position
- Fixed home page bugs: password reset link was showing on signup fail
- Fixed homepage bug on singup: flushing user page to reset default values
- Kinda fixed AGAIN keeping SSE alive, error message still there but at least it's working
- Fixed design bug on new shader pop up for newcastle theme
- Added "cube" tag
Version: 0.69.02b
- Fixed nasty bugs on remove AND add pass (thankx to ob5vr for bug report and help)
- Fixed bug on texture filtering and fbo filtering (thankx to ob5vr for bug report and help)
- Added character counter to editor (thankx superrogue for the feature request)
- Added "common" tab: code shared amongst all passes (thankx to wrighter for the feature request)
- Added "camera" tag: when used it will bring up camera info message for first 10 seconds of shader
- Fixed nasty saving bug once you remove camera, audio etc, now data does get ditched
- Fixed draw scene afer adding a pass or removing a pass while being paused
- Added uvec4, uvec3, uvec2 and few more things to intelisense
- Added "octree" tag
- Shifted icon images sources urls
- Fixed SSE network bug by keeping SSE alive
- Fixed on Firefox: stop Alt + mousewheel scroll backwards / forwards from navigating away from page
Version: 0.69.01b
- Fixed proper pausing of render loop and fluids
- Previous frame ping pong done the right way, not the dumb way (thankx a lot to wrighter for the help!)
- Added more precise slider value box + button to copy it (thankx llb for the feature request)
- Added tool tips to sliders (thankx deanTheCoder for the feature request)
- Added "WIP" tag to list of tags (thankx whoever for the feedback)
- Added slider selected visual feedback
- Added changelog page
- More elegant rewind